its been so busy for me
i only get to meet you twice
and that was like a month ago
ever since recess week
we never get to meet
you been busy with your stuff
and i been busy with mine
but i think of you day by day
i do have a feelin that you do too
but there is this gut feeling that you stop doing it
you willing to go with your godbro instead of me
i guess he is the higher priority
that i can understand
oh well i been through this experience before
if you forgotten about me
well i have no hard feelings
i do feel bad for myself
for being too busy and had no time for you
i felt guilty every single day
ever since i remember you say you always wanted someone to make you happy
i lost to your godbro
he can make you more happier than me
im just a mere passer-by that makes you smile and think of for a small period of time i guess
as for now i felt that you only see me as a friend and nothing more
thus i have to let those unconditional feelings go
time to move