my best friend's wedding, ending pt 1
its sunday
yup its meeras wedding today
all the planning has been done
all has been set up
the day seems to be great and it doesnt seem to rain on this gracious day
the wedding at the balcony gonna be a great one
i have done my part finally
Khai was thinking of what he had gone through the past few days as he take a shower to get ready for the wedding.
Lina:Yes Meera I know the day you get married,now relax will you.
Meera:No i will not relax,I'm nervous ok Lina.Today i will never be the single lady i am yesterday.
Dee:Meera tell me,do you love shahid.
Meera: yeah.
Dee:Do you wanna be with him?
Meera:Yeah.........maybe........i dunno
Dee:Do you wanna get married to Shahid?
Meera: Hmmm......Yes........I dunno.
Dee:Haizz maybe i should stop asking you gonna get worse hehe.
Lina:Yeah Dee stop it, dont want Meera to start have second thoughts ya.
Meera:Ok guys enough with the games lets get ready for the wedding.
So the ladies get ready putting on thier make up and stuff and helping Meera with the wedding dress.
???:So are you ready, today is the day, no cock ups.
Shahid:Haizz i dunno.Its hard.
???:You do what you have to do.Im paying you big money to get rid of them.
Shahid:But Aishah
Aishah:No buts, I want it done,either you get rid of them or i will get rid of you.
Shahid:Ok i will do it.
Aishah:Thats what i wanna hear, kill Meera and Dee and you will claim your prize.
Aishah:Now leave me be.
Shahid leaves the room.
Aishah sitting by the window takes the picture from the corner table.
She looked at the picture of Meera,Dee and her during thier secondary school days.
Aishah:Finally after all this years,you both are so gonna pay for what you done to us.
Aishah starts laughing evilly while crossing out Meera and Dee face.
continue later....i wanna sleep hehe :)