Saturday, August 16, 2008

ep 182

happily ever after, ep 182

you always see this words come out in some fairy tales, "and they live happily ever after"

well most people want that in their life
i want that before but now
happily ever after is just sooo boring
if u want it you better earn it thats wat i tot

evrybody want wat they want
evrybody want wat they dream of

evrybody get wat they want
but do they want what they get

i mean things change once in a while
they want that and been hoping it
one day they get it n suddenly their minds start to change
what they want is not what they really want in the end...get it

so does dat means if u been hoping for your happily ever after
in the end your happily ever after gonna change to
well it depends 4 sum ppl

as for me happily ever after is so not true
there is no such thing in this reality